Comes with V3 egt sensor over the old v2.5 JRP 14 in 1 multi gauge base pack v2.6 - control unit and sensors
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Here we have the heart and soul of our JRP v2.6 multi gauge systems for your performance car or 4x4 vehicle, this base pack includes the control unit which all the sensors or inputs connect to, and also includes a huge range of sensors to connect to your vehicle to obtain the readouts that matter the most. Along with ordering this base pack & sensors, you will also need to order one or more if desired of our JRP 14in1 OLED multi gauge displays to connect to the control unit to be able to see the readouts from the sensors connected to the control unit. For a list of all the sensors included with this kit and extra inputs supported please click on the specifications tab and you can find a list of everything included with this base pack.
It’s possible to run more than one of the JRP 14in1 displays off this single multi gauge base pack as well, so if you find that 6 readouts on the gauge are not enough, it’s possible to connect up more than one of the 14in1 displays to this base pack and you can get up to a total of 12 readouts displaying across two screens. In most cases a single 14in1 screen is enough for most people, but these systems have the ability to chain up to 7 screens off the one control unit and we talk more about that below in the daisy chaining section.
Something else great about the latest v2.5 models of these multi gauge kits is they now support OBD2 via a cable we sell separately, this can simplify the install process of the systems, by obtaining power for the whole systems from the vehicles OBDii port, and forgoing the need to hardwire them in. And it’s also possible vehicle specific to obtain things like Speed & RPM without also the need to hardwire as well. We talk more about the OBD2 support below as well.
This base pack comes with the control unit and a range of sensors to get started building your multi gauge system, the only things not included are the OBDii cable if you wish to use an OBD2 installation method, the Transmission Temp sensor if you wish to replace the IAT sensor for Transmission temp, or a wideband controller. We sell all of these separately if customers wish to use OBDii, Transmission Temp or also have an Air Fuel readout from a wideband controller. What these base packs do come with is Boost, EGT, Oil & Water temp, IAT, Fuel & Oil pressure sensors all included, the units also come equipped to accept inputs of RPM, Speed, 2nd Volts and Wideband input to make an all in one multi gauge system for your street car, off road 4x4, or towing vehicle. Again on the specifications tab we have listed which sensors are included, a breakdown of the supported inputs & cable lengths. If you have any questions about the kit after reading this page, feel free to contact us anytime.
Another great feature of our JRP multi gauge systems is the ability to daisy chain more than one of our 14in1 displays to the control unit. So it’s possible to have right up to 7 of the gauges connected to each other at once. While 7 gauges would be complete overkill, we have found some customers have definitely made use of connecting 2 or 3 gauges up to these systems at once as they are using more than 6 readouts at once and would like to see more than one gauge can display.
The JRP 14in1 gauges when using all the display cells available to its maximum can display 6 readouts from your inputs or sensors, but it’s also possible to make the first two readouts take up 2-cells and with doing that will give you a larger readout on the display for viewing purposes, but when you do this the amount of readouts on the display goes from 6 to 4. So this is where running multiple 14in1 displays comes in. Some people will have more than 6 readouts they would like to see, so while using the smallest readout display and running two gauges it will allow for a total of 12 readouts to display across two gauges. Or, if the customer would like to use the larger readouts, running two gauges means they can have a total of 8 readouts displayed across the two gauges, and 4 of those readouts will be much larger than normal. Some of our product photos on the 14in1 displays page show the larger readouts that we mention in this section if you would like to see some examples.
The heart of this system is the control box that all the sensors connect to. This box is a proper analog to digital control box, the analog sensors feed into it which it then converts to a digital signal. This digital signal is sent back to the gauge in serial format. This has a number of advantages over a straight analog pass-through system, one being that sensor data sent from the control box to the gauge will not be susceptible to voltage drop or interference. Another is the cable that has to run from the control box isn’t made up of 10 or more wires, it’s a much smaller cable making it easier to pass though tight spaces.
The sensors that ship with this multi gauge systems are high quality but without the high price tag that comes with big brand name gauge systems. We have run them back to back with brand name gauges as reference gauges and all of them are well within acceptable accuracy variance of 1%. We understand that having sensors read correctly is hugely important, their durability and accuracy are the heart and soul of the system. But it gets to a point with sensors where you are paying extra for an additional 0.1% accuracy, in reality you only need a sensor to accurate to within 1% of the actual source, anything more than that just costs more for no real world benefit to 99% of us out there.
With the release of the latest v2.5 hardware in Jan 2021 of our very popular 14in1 multi gauge systems, came the added support for OBDii / OBD2 installation. What this means is it’s now possible to connect our 14in1 systems up to the OBD2 ports in vehicles that are equipped with an OBDII port to simplify the install by sourcing power for the units from these ports, and in most cases also source readouts like Speed & RPM without the need to hardwire those in, and also any other readings the vehicle is outputting from the OBDII port that our gauges support the readouts for.
To make use of the OBDII support for these systems, you will require one of these OBDII cables to run from the multi gauge control unit to the OBD2 port on your vehicle. Before ordering this cable you should make sure that your vehicle is equipped with an OBDII port, these started showing up in mass produced vehicles from around 2001 and are found on most major vehicle brands like Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Audi, BWM for example. A quick google search of your vehicles make, model & year along with OBD2 should yield results if your vehicle is able to make use of this cable in the install process for the multi gauge systems. If in doubt, feel free to email us before making your order and we will be happy to help.
The control unit included in this package supports wideband inputs in the form of UEGO 0-5v 10 to 20 AFR or 0.68 to 1.36 Lambda for petrol vehicles out of the box, so if you would like to also have Air Fuel Ratio or Lambda readings come up on the 14in1 gauge you can. We sell 14point7 Spartan 3 Lite wideband kits which can be connected directly to the control unit which will give you an Air / Fuel Ratio or Lambda readout on the 14in1 gauge once both are installed together. Also if you are already running say an innovate wideband, they have the option to configure the analog output, so you can set it to 0-5v 10-20 AFR or 0.68 to 1.36 Lambda range for petrol vehicles. If you are not ordering one of our 14point7 Spartan 3 Lite widebands to use along with this kit, please email us first if you are using another brand wideband kit to make sure it is compatible with our control unit.
Below we have a link you can click on which will take you to our Spartan 3 Lite compatible wideband kit, this would be the wideband kit to order if you are running unleaded, e85, methanol fuels and are looking at getting Air Fuel Ratio or Lambda to display on the 14in1 screen. They are one of the best wideband kits available in the world today and at a terrific price.
Click Here
For Petrol Compatible
Spartan 3 Lite Wideband
Something we have been working on with 14point7 for some time now are widebands for Diesels, we have a huge following with the diesel crowd and many of the improvements and updates to our JRP multi gauge systems over the years has been for our beloved diesel customers. The Spartan 3D Lite Diesel wideband controller kits are now on our website for sale, pop over to their page to have a read about what makes these such a great Diesel wideband solution. The Spartan 3D Lite Diesel wideband is the product you would order along with this base pack if wanting to monitor Diesel air fuel ratios on the 14in1 gauges screen, you simply install the Spartan 3D controller and 02 sensor and then run it’s wideband output into the control unit that comes in this base back, after doing this you will now have a Diesel air fuel ratio range of 10 to 40 display on the 14in1 gauges screen.
Make sure not to confuse the Spartan 3D Lite diesel wideband with the standard Spartan 3 Lite, as the Spartan 3 Lite is meant for petrol applications and not Diesel, so once again the wideband you would grab if wanting the 10 to 40 AFR range for Diesels would be the Spartan 3D Lite diesel. We have linked below to the correct page so you can check them out.
Click Here
For Diesel Compatible
Spartan 3D Lite Diesel Wideband
An additional sensor has been added to the v2 of the base pack and control unit and this has been an IAT sensor, this stands for Air Intake Temperature sensor. These sensors will allow you to monitor the air intake temps at the manifold on turbo and supercharged cars. These sensors will read from 0c to 150c intake temps, they take the form of the IAT sensors found installed with most aftermarket ECU setups and have a 3/8” NPT thread, very similar to the GM style IAT sensors as is their resistance curves. Monitoring IAT’s can be especially important on turbo and supercharged cars, as if air intake temps get too hot while timing is advanced under boost conditions, this can lead to possible detonation. So the kits having an IAT sensor included allows you to monitor air intake temps on these vehicles.
One of the most requested additions to our multi gauge v2 was the ability to add a transmission temp sensor to the kits, so while we were working on this v2.5 hardware we looked at all the options we had to make this possible. We had run out of space to add extra port on the control box that we could use as a dedicated transmission temp on the v2.5 kits, so we had to think about another way to do it and we have come up with a couple of solution which should work for most customers that wanted transmission temp.
There is one catch we are afraid, as above we mentioned we had run out of space on the control box to add a dedicated port for this transmission temp sensor, so what we have had to do is if you would like to run trans temp on these gauges, you will lose being able to use the IAT sensor that is included with this kits. Customers who really want Transmission temp will be able to order a Trans Temp sensor along with this base pack form here, and with a simple change of a dip switch on the control unit you can switch the IAT readout to become Trans Temp while using this sensor which is sold separately.
For those that really want to keep IAT, we have also made it possible in the 14in1 gauges system setup to change the Water Temp sensor to Trans Temp instead as well, so there are two options for obtaining Transmission temp on these units.
Another additional input found on the v2 models is a second dedicated volts input. So it is now possible for 4x4 owners to not only monitor their primary battery voltages, but you can now also run a line to your secondary / auxiliary battery’s and monitor the voltage on those as well. The 4x4 community has really taken to these gauges as well, and dual volts has been a feature request we have had for some time, so these latest version 2 of the control unit now have a secondary 8v to 36v input so you can monitor both primary and secondary batteries. Now for our performance customers, this feature can also come in handy and we talk more about that on the screens product page.
One of the sensors that takes the most punishment and are prone to failure when using cheaper designs in the manufacturing process are the EGT sensors. We spent a great deal of time and real world testing with EGT sensors to make sure we were providing the best quality sensors possible without asking you to take out a mortgage to purchase these kits. This search lead us to these high quality insulated K-Type thermocouples included with these kits, they are made from 3030 stainless steel, can withstand constant operating temperatures of over 1000c for prolonged periods, and burst temps of up to 1200c. These new EGT sensors cost 3x that of the old sensors supplied with these kits to produce, but we are dedicated here to providing the best quality sensors possible while still maintaining a reasonable price on the kits and feel the extra cost to achieve this level of quality on the EGT sensors was justified.
Another important factor which makes these new EGT sensors a cut above the rest is the majority of EGT sensors supplied with gauges are using single strand wires, these sensors are using multi strand. Now you may ask why is that better, well what we have discovered here after a year of playing around with various EGT sensors is this, heat is not the main killer of EGT sensors, vibration is. Having multiple strand wires in these sensors allows them to better cope with the harmonics and vibration of daily use, leading to less failures overall. Then we have the high quality connectors, heat shielding, these sensors really are built to take a punishment. We were not going to mess around here as we know a lot of our customers use EGT, especially the 4x4 guys, just another way we have polished the v2 models of these kits.
Now while this gauge system comes with all the sensors, there are two inputs that require you to source the signals from your vehicle as inputs into the control unit for the system to be able to display them on the 14in1 screen, these are RPM and Speed. The first and quickest way to do this if you vehicle permits this is by using our OBDii cable which is sold separately and in most cases using this cable for the install will not only give you power for the units, but can pull both Speed and RPM from the OBD2 port directly to display on the gauge. Please see our section above regarding OBDii support and have a read of our OBDii cable page to determine if you are able to use this method to obtain RPM & Speed for these units. The second method is you will need to hardwire speed and rpm into the units using the supplied cable with this kit, on most modern vehicles, their ECU will output a speed signal the system can understand and can be tapped into, but as you start going back to cars older than 1990, the ECU’s either don’t have a speed signal you can tap into (mechanical), or there is no ECU at all to be able to tap into. For most people this won’t be an issue, as speed isn’t really one of the readouts they are looking for. RPM on the other hand more people will want, as there are functions in the digital multi gauge that can make use of an RPM input, such as some of the warning setups, you have shift lights on those as well.
Now for those vehicles that do not run an ECU, also don’t fear, we do have an option for you, but it is an extra product you need to buy to get an RPM signal that the control unit can understand. If you are running an old diesel, or a carb car or pretty much anything that doesn’t have an ECU you can grab a RPM signal from, we have these special little tach adapters which allow you to pull an RPM signal from multiple sources and convert it to a 5v-12v square wave pulse signal the control box understands, be it from COP, distributors, even alternators. Click on this link to take you to its page for more information on our JRP Tach Adapter
The v2 kits are now all built using high quality JST style connectors throughout, while most people never think quality of connectors means anything, using high quality JST style is just another way we have really polished the product. The cables slide in smoothly, the crimping and just overall build of the connectors on the control box, 10in1 gauge, sensor cables are top notch. As above most people wouldn’t even think about this side, but we have, it’s just another way to bring up the overall quality and durability of the product.
All of the temp and fluid pressure sensors in this kit are using 1/8 NPT threads, note the IAT sensor is using 3/8 NPT. Before you install make sure to check where the sensors are going to be placed are 1/8 NPT and not 1/8 BSP. We will write an article on our blog which goes into more detail about this, including why we don’t think it’s a good idea to place oil pressure sensors into the block, rather mount them separate to the engine and run an AN line back to the sensor. If you would like more information or have questions relating to this, please feel free to contact us.
We have a range of accessories that can be bought along with this kit to make installation of the sensors or system simpler and neater. For example the first would be the OBD2 cable, this will allow for a plug and play installation for power for the units, and also allow to obtain some readouts which would also need to be hard wired into the control unit such as Speed & RPM, click on our OBDii cable page for more info. Another is the oil filter sandwich plates, these allow you to place the sandwich plate between your engine block and oil filter and have three 1/8 NPT ports you can use for sensors, such as Oil Temp and Oil Pressure. Using these plates make the installation of the oil temp and oil pressure sensors much more straight forward, saves removing factory sensors, or having to tap and weld a fitting into your sump for oil temp as an example. You will also need a sandwich plate adapter bolt for them which we also sell, before ordering, check which thread type your engine block uses for its oil filter to make sure one of the four adapters we sell will fit your motor. We also stock high quality stainless steel adapters, none of those cheap alloy units. Any questions in regards to these plates, feel free to contact us.
Another useful accessory we sell for installation is the water temp sensor adapter hoses, these allow you to make a cut in your cars radiator hose, slip in the adapter and tighten with the supplied clamps and they have a 1/8 NPT port on top of them for your water temp sensor. Again this little product makes installing of the water temp sensor quick, simple and neat. We currently stock three different sizes that cater to a large range of different cars, just like the sandwich plate adapters, before ordering check the size of your radiator hose to make sure which you need to order for your car, any questions give us a yell.
For optional sensors we have the transmission temp sensors which are not included with these kits, we talk more above this above under the Transmission Temp section. And also the Spartan 2 wideband kits which again we talk about more above in the Petrol Wideband Input supported.
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